Friday, October 8, 2010


Already Friday, I think I only have 7 weeks left… boy is time flying! This weekend I will be in Berlin, celebrating Birthdays and we were invited to go drinking with the group of HTW student at Berlin’s Oktoberfest so that and along with all of the homework I have to do, should make for a fun weekend!

This week went by smoothly; on Monday we went to HTW and met with the engineering students that are going to help us with out projects. There school was so much nicer than Wentworth, it is in an old factory complex on the Spree River, and they had green walls! There lecture classrooms were also set up differently, the desks folded down from the seat in front of you.

Wednesday we went on a field trip to a Music School, which use to be where the King stored his horses and carriages. There were some cool acoustical elements, and one of my fellow classmates played the piano for us so we could test out the acoustics.

On Thursday I went to the Philharmonie and got to listen to the whole Orchestra, it was an amazing experience. I have never seen a professional orchestra perform before, so it was just breathtaking. The group I went with all dressed up too and it made for a nice night. 

On the way back to the U Bahn, we stopped into Potsdammer Platz and got to see it all lite up at night, it changes between blue and purple. The whole complex is just out of this world, and I could never imagine it in Boston or the United States for that matter.

I have been trying to use German, and I ordered perfectly in German at the Philharmonie, 2 red wines, and she thought I was speaking English and just got very upset with me, so that was disappointing, but least I can order at the Backeri.


Germans don’t like to go out of their way to talk to you or ask you if you need help unless they need something from you.

Germans don’t believe in dryers and are kind of behind in personal technology, no Kindles here!

The deposit for bottles here is .25 cents!

Germans think swimming when it is 80 degrees out is sheer madness!

You see the same beggars on the train time after time again, and musicians

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