Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Stockholm!

So this is my first blog.. it took a while, but I am finally in Sweden. My first flight left Boston at 5 PM and it was a lot of fun. They fed us really good food and kept on serving the alcohol. Needless to say I showed up in Frankfurt, drunk, at 5 am in the morning. It was weird loosing 6 hours. Then we continued on to Berlin and met up with our Professor, and got rid of our bags. We then had to wait around for a few before taking a flight to Stockholm.

When we got here, we checked into our hostel, which is really nice with wireless internet, so I am rooming with Julia. Its weird staying in a place where the toilets and showers aren't in the bedrooms. But the place is still really nice.

After we checked in we went on a brief walking tour of the water front. We then all split off to find dinner. The Swedish don't use the Euro, that use the Kroner, that we now just refer to as the Corona.. but its is very confusing and things sounds like they are really expensive, when they really aren't. But I went with a few people and we walking around their big shopping street and got dinner. And now I am back at the hostel and I haven't slept in over 24 hours, so I am probably going to pass out here soon. It's only 830 so I am going to try and give it some time.

Tomorrow we are touring the library and meeting up with a Swedish architect to get a modern view on the city. Tomorrow is our last night in Stockholm before heading to Finland.

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