Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Program Diagrams


The world around me seems gray and colorless as I make my way around, following the scent of a gentle sea breeze. As I make my way towards the water, an explosion of bright color appears before my eyes and I let it capture me. The color absorbs me into what I am assuming is an entryway, and makes it difficult to contemplate where the wall ends and the ceiling begins. A cool colored light catches my attention; I walk towards it. Once I clear the bright color fog, I realize the cool colored lit space, is actually just a neutral colored volume filled with natural light. The space I just entered is exploding with activity. Large groups of people are gathered, visitors are moving about on multiple levels, and even further up I can see workers moving from space to space. Glimpses of color appear scattered about, protruding away from this big expansive space I am, question is how do you get to them? A maze of circulation leads me to each space, some spaces are neutral colors, but others explode in color and throw my perception for a loop. Each time I enter a space, the color swallows me, and a warm or cool colored light always guides me out. I find my way back outside, and the whole world around me appears different, the colors of the environment around me appear in a new and vibrant way, as I make my way towards the waters edge to gaze at the city skyline.

Program Verbs

Monday, November 14, 2011

James Turrell

A Frontal Passage

Wolfsburg Project

Using colored light to perceive and create different spatial qualities

See Colour, featuring James Turrell

Monday, November 7, 2011

Seattle City Hall

-Julia Patten, Seattle Special Topics Studio Fall 2011

Color Vibration at the Seattle City Hall: moving from the outdoors into this red vestibule, if you look back you'll see that the environment is distorted by the red. Looking towards the interior light of the next space,  it begins to look a green-ish/blue, red's complimentary color. Once you leave the red space your eyes re adjust to the cool white light of the interior space.

Intermediate Program Exploration

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Steven Holl

Water Colors





Steven Holl is an excellent precedent for my thesis because he uses colors in many of his projects to create different spatial effects connecting with the users perception. He also sits many of his projects next to the water, maximizing on this amazing reflection with the water and almost becoming one with it.