Friday, September 24, 2010

Another week in Berlin!

So it Friday... weeks fly by here!

Monday I had class all day, and then afterwards went grocery shopping, which is always an adventure! I also finally got my internet stick to work (it isn't the greatest, but it gets the job done)

Tuesday we took a class field trip to the Reichstag. We go to go into the Budastag's Assembly room (there congresses area to debate) and learn about the German Government. We then went up into Norman Fosters Dome with the double helix ramp, mirror cone that brings light down into the assembly room, and the cone also pulls hot air our of the assembly room and lets it escape through the opening at the top of the dome. The dome offered fantastic views of the city.


Wednesday before studio we took a class field trip to another Norman Foster building, a library, on a college campus outside of Berlin, It was spherical building and the inside all the levels were wavy. I had my first pin up for my project to go over my concept, it went well. Afterwards I just went home and relaxed for the evening.

Thursday we finally got to go on a boat tour of Berlin! And it was such a nice day for it! So the boat pick us up in the Tiergarten and took us up and down the Spree River, through the government sections, historical sections, and turning around in Kreuzburg. Thursday evening I finally watched Glee, which was good, and just relaxed.

Friday I had my humanities class which is from 10-6. We started off by going on a walking tour of Berlin, with the best tour guide I have ever had! We walked through the old part of Berlin, down Unter de Linden, through the Brandenburg Gate, and then ended at the Holocaust Memorial and the site of Hitlers Bunker. It was nice to finally get to see all of the famous sites of Berlin. 

This weekend a majority of the group is going to Oktoberfest in Munich, but Julia and I decided to not go and instead enjoy the weekend in Berlin. We are going to go to some Museums, shop, and just explore Berlin. Next week is a short week, and on Thursday we leave for Barcelona! Exciting!!


I can finally unlock the doors! It's actually pretty easy. You turn towards the door to lock, and away to unlock... I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out!

Buying certain products can be interesting. The vanilla ice cream I bought, taste like straight up butter!

Germans put meat into everything!


  1. is the straight up butter tasting ice cream.. good??

  2. NO IT WAS AWEFUL!!! Chocolate chip cookies didn't even do the job!
