Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weekend in Berlin / Holocaust Memorial

Last night Julia and I went to Roses to just hang out for a bit, everyone is gone this weekend at Oktoberfest.  It was an unusual crowd and some random guy told me I look like the stupid guy from Twilight! Insult!!! I hate that movie. I also got a drink spilt on me by the bartender…but I ended up getting a free shot of Jager!!

Today Julia and I ventured out into rainy Berlin. We went to the Topograpghy of Terror, which is all about Hitler’s time in power. It is on the site of where the SS and Gestapo Headquarters was. We then walked along the long stretch of the remains of the Berlin wall and went to Check Point Charlie. After that we grabbed lunch at his American/French place, it was yummy and cheap. Then walked to the Memorial for Murdered Jews (very upfront title) and went inside. It was all about different people/families who died during the Holocaust… it was very intense.  There was one room were you just sit and listen to the names of people who died and how they died. The museum sits under Peter Eiserman’s memorial, that I mentioned in my last post. After that we went to Alexander Platz and I got yummy bread at the Brot Festival!!!

Now I am just relaxing a bit, going to grab dinner soon with a few people and then go out dancing!!!


  1. topography of terror huh? THAT SOUNDS AWFUL ahahah what does it mean though? is there really crazy topography?

  2. It is the sight were the gestapo and SS headquarters were.. and they site was blown up during WW II so the land is all hilly and the remains of the buildings are used as part of the exhibit on the nazis
