Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, hair cut and no rain!

This weekend was a nice one in Berlin. Saturday night I went out to dinner with Julia, Amnah, Alia, and Natallie to this Turkish restaurant down the street from our apartments. It was really fun/yummy. We all share humus, this eggplant thing, and this yogurt/cucumber dish. Then for dinner I got this really good grilled lamb dish and it was so good dipped in the yogurt. Julia and I had this really yummy red wine.

After dinner, Julia and I went out for the evening to dance at Haus B, it was so much fun!! We made it till 4:30ish and decided to go home and head to sleep.

Sunday was pretty uneventful.

Monday, I had class/studio all day and then at night I went with a group of people to Potsdamer Platz to see  the Town. It was so good and it was weird because for a couple of hours I felt like I was back home in Boston. Also, movies are so much cheaper here. Our tickets were 5,50 euro, and you pick your seats when you buy your tickets. Then there popcorn was so good and was reasonable for 3,00 euro.

Today I didn't have any classes, so I slept in for a bit and then did a load of laundry in the bathtub and sink, and then skipped of to Alexander Platz to get my haircut. I was really nervous the whole time because I was afraid there was going to be a mis-communication, but the guy understood me and did a really good job. It was kinda a fancy haircut but I paid about the same as I do in Boston for a banging haircut. After that I explore that gay area of west berlin on Motzstrasse and then continued on to studio. I need to do some work before I go to Barcelona but I am really unmotivated. I just want to go already!!

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