Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last Night in Helsinki and Finland!

Its been a pretty jammed packed two days in Helsinki... yesterday we looked at a bunch of Alvar Aalto buildings, and today we went around and looked at Finish architects Simo Paavilainen and Juha Leiviska's buildings... in total we looked at 9 buildings, and it was just an amazing array of architecture. My favorite was Paavilainen's office building, KEVA Office Building. It was just full of light, had a huge atrium, and multiple outside terraces.

The food here is really good, and they really like their sweets. I have eaten to much of it. haha. They also all have blonde hair here too and are skinny. We have been walking everywhere since we got here and the city is really easy to do that in. It is also jammed packed with fun places to go out, I am going to try a find a good place to go tonight.

Today we also went to Steven Holl's Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, and besides it being an amazing piece of architecture, it had a really cool exhibit where there was this huge field of ribbon to run through.

Tomorrow we are going to Tallinn, Estonia and are going to be actually doing work... we are doing a water front urban design project that we have a day to work on, and then a half day of presenting. It should be fun because all of the cities we have visited have had really strong connections with the water.

So far Helsinki is my favorite and I would love living here.. it is so clean, everyone is nice, and there is just so much to do. Defiantly better than Boston!

Last night I booked Julia and I's plane tickets to Barcelona, JJ is coming too and Carlie and Michelle might as well, so it should be a fun trip... and the weather seems like it is going to be nice.. we are going the 30th-Oct 3rd. I can't believe it is already September!

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