Sunday, September 12, 2010

One week since I arrived in Berlin!


So, after being here in Berlin for a week, I am beginning to get my barring on my new home.. My neighborhood is dominantly a turkish neighborhood, and there is a really cool street near by, that is full of shops, restaurants, and bars.. I also understand the subway more, and its pretty easy to navigate... The only hard things are ordering food (because its all in German) and unlocking doors ( the lock is backwards, and there is different levels of locking) Aside from that, its pretty easy adjusting..

I have visited many things so far... if you check my facebook you can see pictures... but potsdamer platz, alexander platz, spree river, Kurfursten damm (like NYC's 5th avenue), the Reichstag, Brandenburg gate, KaDeWa (largest deparment store)... so it has been fun. Classes are good too, all of our professors are very nice and caring. Our project is also small scaled too, so we don't have to spend to much time on it, and gives us more exporing time.

On Thursday we go to Prague until Saturday as part of our "urban design travel elective." I hear things are cheap there because the Euro is more powerful, and they use a different currency. One thing about the Euro, all of the bills and coins are sized according to amount.. 50$ bill is larger than a 5$ bill, and coins do the same... coins! I have a huge collection of coins ranging from 2$, 1$, 50 cent, 20cent, 5 cent, 2 cent, and 1 cent... ah! I love the Euro though, I feel like its a powerful currency.

Berlin is very cheap and I like it.. food, alcohol.. the only expensive things are the subway (which is worth it) and depending on what kind of clothes you like to buy. But so much cheaper than Boston.

I bough this internet stick, but I had to set up in German, and it still isn't work.. =/ I might have to go back and ask for help..

I caught the cold that has been going around, so I took it a little easy this weekend.. Friday night I went out till 5 am at a bar called Roses, and met some people from Sweden, they were really nice! They are study abroading here as well.

I bought a picture book from english to german, so it should help me in the grocery store, we shall see.  Tschus!


  1. ooo i'm jealous that it's cheaper there than in boston!!! i bet it's a lot easier to remember the names of famous buildings when you are visiting them. i think it's super hard when a teacher is just going through slides and you have to try to remember the name after like one picture haha. have you ever ordered anything when you're out to eat that you have no idea what it will be? does everything taste pretty good or is it scary food? have lots of fun in prague!

  2. Its always an adventure but for the most part I know what I am ordering
